Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mankuthimmana Kagga and rationality!

I am sure for Kannada literature loving people, there is no need of an introduction to DVG's epic Mankuthimmana Kagga, which is often called 'kannadada Bhagavadgeethe'. I have enjoyed reading Kagga thoroughly and many times loudly as well! There is also an English translation of it titled Dim Tim's Muses, but kagga is best read in the original Kannada version.

The very first verse of the Kagga is, for me the most intriguing of all, because it seems to throw light on DVG's deep understanding of life and analysis of it from a rational stand point. Here is the verse that I am talking about.

Sri vishu is the the beginning, the end and reason of existence of the universe, the god head, the master and so do believe people with out being able to even see that (aavudanu kaanadoda - with out an iota of proof) and believe they do with all the devotion (malthi means bhakthi) that supernatural miracle (loose translation of vichitra) you bow down your head..mankuthimma!!

Two expressions are of great interest to me - aavudanu kaanadoda which I interpret as 'not having any proof' and vichitra, which I guess is unbelievable and magical or almost irrational. I could be wrong. But, never the less, it is such a beautiful expression. All I can say is, DVG is just too brilliant with his thoughts and with his words.

For those who have not read the Kagga, I strongly recommend it. Read it and read it loudly. I bet you will enjoy it.

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