Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hygiene and Health care in our society

It is well known that we have pretty bad hygiene conditions prevailing in our country. You just need to drive through any city to see Indian squalor in all it's glory. It is very common see dogs and cows chewing on the leftover dinners from road side garbage. The streets are littered with plastic bags, cow dung, human excreta, papers, bottles and what not.

Less said the better about our health care system. We have the ignominy of having higher infant mortality rates than third world countries like Haiti, Western Sahara and Bangladesh. And as per
a recent report (http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Archive&Source=Page&Skin=pastissues2&BaseHref=TOIBG/2009/08/11&PageLabel=1&EntityId=Ar00102&ViewMode=HTML&GZ=T) we spend even less than some of the sub-Saharan African countries on our health care. We stand at a pathetic 171 out of the 175 countries in the world in public health spending.

The number of deaths due to swine flue across the country should be a sort of 'wake up call' for us to set right our badly broken health care system.

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